Vince Crisler is a proven cybersecurity and IT strategy leader with deep experience in private-sector and federal government environments. As the CEO of Dark Cubed, Vince offers technical, operational and strategic expertise to CEOs, CIOs and executive teams for companies of all sizes, as well as critical leadership in developing leading-edge products for threat detection and management. Vince also has extensive experience supporting the Department of Homeland Security on the development and implementation of cyber security technologies to protect Government and Private Sector critical infrastructures.
Previously a Communications Officer in the United States Air Force, Vince served for many years in the Executive Office of the President (The White House) and the Pentagon. In these roles, he developed his facility in translating technical challenges for nontechnical audiences and executing strategic IT objectives.
Today, Vince leverages his deep understanding of technology and systems engineering to help clients navigate the complex and evolving challenges of cybersecurity threat detection and management. Working in partnership with clients, he leads complex technology projects and engages teams in strategic and tactical IT security planning.
The author of numerous articles on cybersecurity risk and threat identification, Vince speaks frequently on cybersecurity management and IT security strategy.
If you want to know more about Vince connect with him on LinkedIn.