Julian Lee has been the president and CEO of TechnoPlanet for 30 years. He has witnessed the birth and evolution of the IT Channel (see “About” www.technoplanet.com for milestones).
Right out of the University of Toronto, he founded a distribution and manufacturing company for Apple third party products that quickly expanded globally.
He entered the dot-com era by developing and providing digital content for all tech products sold on web stores and built one of the first e-commerce platforms for the IT Channel with real-time integration with all major distributors.
He has since built a diverse group of channel-related entities with the sole mission of helping the channel become bigger, better, stronger and smarter.
He is currently the publisher of eChannelNEWS.com and enjoys his role of delivering the latest news every day to the channel business community. He is also the organizer of the leading ChannelNEXT technology conferences that educates and brings the IT Industry together several times every year. Every year, he hosts the popular Reseller Choice and the 50 Best Managed IT Companies Awards.
His core business is helping tech companies to market their products and build channel partner ecosystems. His most recent work is to help channel partners to future-proof their businesses through peer-group collaboration and building best business practices (learn more at www.channelpartneralliance.com).
To keep up to date on what he is currently doing, his interviews with business leaders and speaking activities, follow him on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/connectwithjulian.